Monday, September 15, 2014

Why We Blog

In "Why We Blog" the authors explored the reasons people blog through twenty-three interviews.
Through two interactions with each interviewee the authors were able to put together five main motivations for blogging: Documenting one's life, use as commentary, as carthas, as a muse, and as a community forum.
I have always had mixed feelings about Blogs in general and this article was unable to sway me a certain way. When I hear the word blog I think about my overbearing Facebook friend who started a fashion blog because she got complemented on her kimono. I understand bloggers may find comfort through expressing their opinions online, but I tend to see blogs as irrelevant ranting that only the blogger sees as striking and important and yes I see the irony that I am writing about being against blogs on a blog of my own. However, the authors make a very good point that blogs are not intrusive. No one is forced to read them or respond them unless they want to. Evan, an interviewee, explained how he used his blog to help expand his writing skills. Based on how many people viewed his blog or responded to his writings, Evan was able to gage how interesting or well written his posts were. Another blogger, Laura, revealed that she used her blog to work out emotional issues. She was able to talk about her passions in a safe place with limited interactivity. The more I think about it maybe I don't dislike blogs. Even though Facebook gives me a link to the blog it doesn't mean that I have to read it. Sometimes I actually find comfort in reading the opinions of others. It can be nice to know that someone feels the same way you do about a certain subject.
The authors also talked about the future of blogging and how more classrooms are incorporating online journaling. I think that sometimes it is easier to express your opinions behind a computer screen rather than in a traditional class room setting, but it shouldn't replace classroom discussion. On the other hand I think that students who don't like to participate during class discussions can start slowly in online discussion and work up to class discussions.

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